Gloucestershire Digital Marketing + Website Development Boffins Discuss Trends

As Gloucestershire based digital marketing and Website design experts we're always keeping an eye on the latest advances in search engine optimisation coming from the infamous Google HQ. This week we have, like most digital marketers, been interested to hear that John Mueller has been discussing the old age debate of a 'few strong pages v's many weak ones'. The difficulty occurs when one good, well optimised page is then split into several smaller ones as Google struggles to analyse the target of the multiple pages. Google's John Mueller explains the trend in the following quote taken from the company's live chat on social media;

"Those smaller pieces themselves might not be that clearly kind of targeted where we can really recognise actually all of the information is here and they can navigate to the rest of the site here."
In a nutshell what Google are claiming is that if website developers create one great page that their digital marketing counterparts then fill with well optimised content this page will be a really useful element of the website that will attract many visitors and have a high CTR. If this page is split into several sub pages then the main page that would have attracted a wide audience is lost. So each page will attract its share of the audience but theres not one overall page with great onsite attraction.
The overall message here from search engine optimisation boffins is that if you create parent pages on your website that are filled with great content and have a good range of internal links etc its better to keep this style of content on one page rather than try to 'pad' out sub pages and split the content across 3 or 4 pages.