Small business owner looking for some local SEO and new customers, you’ve come to the right place. Trying to engage with your target audience when you’re a small company is difficult, but our team of Digital marketing experts in Gloucestershire are going to guide you through how you can get the most out of Social […]
Manage your website’s CMS anywhere, even from your phone!
CMS discussed by Mushroom Internet’s Gloucestershire Website Development Team Is the system easy to use? Yes! Here at Mushroom Internet our website design team ensure that the CMS (content management system) we use is a really simple system that can be used by people with a basic knowledge of software such as Microsoft World. Unlike with […]
Google Think-tank provides latest Digital Marketing + Website Development Insight
Gloucestershire Digital Marketing + Website Development Boffins Discuss Trends As Gloucestershire based digital marketing and Website design experts we’re always keeping an eye on the latest advances in search engine optimisation coming from the infamous Google HQ. This week we have, like most digital marketers, been interested to hear that John Mueller has been discussing […]
Consumer demographic shows a distinct growth in Generation Z market
Consumer Habits Show Increase In Digital Marketing Spend On #GenerationZ Digital Marketing and website development experts in Gloucestershire have been analysing the latest reported trends in consumer habits and there are some interesting new facts emerging. With an increase in the amount of money spent on targeting the so called Generation Z it’s clear that […]
Digital Marketing Case Study- Gencon Dog Head Collars
Mushroom Internet have worked closely with the Gencon brand since 2010 and have successfully run their digital marketing activity since early 2014. History The Gencon® All-in-1 and Headcollars were designed, developed and patented by a lady called Irene Holbrook, who is probably the most knowledgeable dog enthusiast we have ever known. After becoming owner and director […]
Google Launch New ‘faster + easier’ search result system
Following our earlier article discussing changes Google were testing out to their search results we can now confirm that Google have announced their decision to go live with the edits for all users. Claiming to enable users to get faster and easier search results the new format will apparently enable additional listings to load below […]
E -Commerce Stats- Projected 246.15% Rise In Sales
Mind boggling figures have been realised by Statistics giant Statista that emphasise how rapidly the E commerce sector is expanding. Recently released figures suggest that by the close of 2017 B2C E-commerce sales hit $2.3 trillion Worldwide. B2B E- Commerce hit an incredible $7.7 trillion globally. The 10 largest E- Commerce markets in the World […]
Google Test Minimised View In Local Search Results
New digital marketing trend set to hit Gloucestershire? Standard Local SERP* The latest subject thats being heavily talked about in the digital marketing World online is the suggestion from SEO boffin Andrew Hagemann that Google is in the process of testing out a new search result system. If you search for something like say ‘reading […]
Did You Fall For The “Hootbot” Digital Marketing AI April Fools?
Hootsuite launch April Fools Joke aimed at digital Marketing boffins! Digital Marketing teams across the UK and beyond spent much of Easter Sunday contemplating how much easier their jobs would be now social media scheduling boffins Hootsuite has introduced an AI tool set to take the digital marketing World by storm. Come Monday morning […]
Social Media recommended by Gloucestershire Website design Experts
Contact the leading Gloucestershire Website design company or read on to discover how important social media is to a company’s online profile in 2018. A great Starting Point Mushroom internet are experts in the field of digital marketing and Website design. From our Gloucestershire base we advise customers on all elements of website build and digital […]