Google AdWords Update Google have been testing out a wide range of different search results formats in the past few months and digital marketing boffins have been busy discussing the changes to the way Adwords shows results on mobile phones. The difficult to replicate format means for most in the digital marketing World the changes […]
Marketplace Sells Expected To Rise 40% By 2020
Gloucestershire Website Developers Predict Rise In Marketplace Integration Requests What does your company know about marketplace? Recent data from Miraki shows that sales placed in marketplace portals are growing quicker than ever before. Its been predicted that by the end of 2020 marketplace sales will account for 40% of all global online sales. What is […]
Google Think-tank provides latest Digital Marketing + Website Development Insight
Gloucestershire Digital Marketing + Website Development Boffins Discuss Trends As Gloucestershire based digital marketing and Website design experts we’re always keeping an eye on the latest advances in search engine optimisation coming from the infamous Google HQ. This week we have, like most digital marketers, been interested to hear that John Mueller has been discussing […]
TOMS Digital content Strategies show dual focus works
Fantastic E Commerce Digital Marketing Campaigns Great content marketing strategies can become famous in history for their ability to use persuasive language and solid strategies to engage with the reader. One of the most universally recognised examples of great content marketing in the past decade comes from empathetic shoe brand TOMS. The brand has created […]
Consumer demographic shows a distinct growth in Generation Z market
Consumer Habits Show Increase In Digital Marketing Spend On #GenerationZ Digital Marketing and website development experts in Gloucestershire have been analysing the latest reported trends in consumer habits and there are some interesting new facts emerging. With an increase in the amount of money spent on targeting the so called Generation Z it’s clear that […]
What makes a good E-commerce website from a Digital Marketing Perspective?
Our Stroud Website Developers + Digital Marketing experts discuss trends Consumers across the globe love to shop! Since the arrival of online shopping consumers are finding more means to splash the cash then ever before. There ways customers can shop online that mean their consumer journey is far simpler than popping to the local shops. […]
#Voicesearch devices largely used by Parents
Google figures show Searches highest amongst Parents -Digital Marketers Analysis In a twist on the predicted trend for users of voice assisted devices it has been revealed that its parents and NOT generation Z that are most frequently using this type of search facility. In a study that looked at the demographic of users for […]
Digital Marketing Facts from Stroud Based Social Media Boffins!
Gloucestershire Digital Marketing Team discuss uptake in Facebook Ad Spend It was predicted that there would be a distinct drop in social media advertising, particularity on Facebook following the past months discovery that facebook had shared users data with 3rd parties. However digital marketing boffins across the globe have been surprised to see the newest […]
Google Launch New ‘faster + easier’ search result system
Following our earlier article discussing changes Google were testing out to their search results we can now confirm that Google have announced their decision to go live with the edits for all users. Claiming to enable users to get faster and easier search results the new format will apparently enable additional listings to load below […]
Worlds Most Expensive Domain Names Explored
Why are some Domain Names so expensive? The world of domain names is often a confusing one, with companies across the globally seemingly all battling it out to get that coveted domain name, that many believe guarantees them the desired number 1 ranking on search engines. Our digital marketing experts review some of the most […]